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C. V.†
Updated: August 23, 2012
Dr. Fumihiro Morishita, Assistant Professor†
Molecular Physiology Laboratory, Department of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshoma University, 1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan.
tel: +81-82-424-7439
B. Sc. Hiroshima University (1983)
D. Sc. Hiroshima University (1989)
The Zoological Society of Japan
The Japanese Society for Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
The Japanese Peptide Society
The Society for Neuroscience
Research Associate, Hiroshima University (1988)
Assistant Professor, Hiroshima University (2006)
Visiting Researcher, York University (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) (1995-1996)
Visiting Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan) (2004-present)
Structures and functions of molluscan neuropeptides.
Molecular cloning of neuropeptide precursor.
Expression patterns of neuropeptide precursors and mature neuropeptides in nervous systems in mollusks.
RECENT PUBLICATIONS (2003-present):†
- Morishita F (2017) Neuropeptides and their physiological functions in Mollusks. In: Biological Effects by Organotins (ed. Horiguchi, T), Springer Japan, Tokyo, Japan, pp167-198
- Morishita F, Furukawa Y, Kodani Y, Minakata H, Horiguchi T, Matsushima O (2015) Molecular cloning of precursors for TEP-1 and TEP-2: The GGNG peptide-related peptides of a prosobranch gastropod, Thais clavigera. Peptides, 68:72-82
- Morishita F, Furukawa Y, Matsushima O (2013) Characterization of precursor genes encoding D-tryptophan containing neuropeptide NdWFamide of sea hare Aplysia. Peptide Science 2013: 439-442.
- Morishita F, Furukawa Y, Matsushima O (2012) Molecular cloning of two distinct precursor genes of NdWFamide, a D-tryptophan-containing neuropeptide of the sea hare, Aplysia kurodai. Peptides, 38:291-301
- Matsuo R, Kobayashi S, Morishita F, Ito E, Expression of Asn-d-Trp-Phe-NH2 in the brain of the terrestrial slug Limax valentianus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part B: Biochemi. Mol. Biol. 160(2-3), 89-93 (2011).
- Morishita F, Furukawa Y, Matsushima O, Minakata H. Regulatory actions of neuropeptides and peptide hormones on the reproduction of molluscs. Canad. J. Zool., 88(9), 825-845 (2010). DOI:10.1139/Z10-041
- Morishita F, Minakata H, Takeshige K, Furukawa Y, Takata T, Matsushima O, Mukai ST, Saleuddin ASM, Horiguchi T (2006) Novel excitatory neuropeptides isolated from a prosobranch gastropod, Thais clavigera: The molluscan counterpart of the annelidan GGNG peptides. Peptides, 27:483-492
- Morishita F, Minakata H, Takeshige K, Furukawa Y, Matsushima O, Horiguchi T (2006) Purifications, physiological functions and localizations of neuropeptides in a prosobranch gastropod, Thais clavigera. In Peptide Science 2005, pp43-46, Wakamiya T (Ed), The Japanese Peptide Society, Osaka.
- Morishita F, Furukawa Y (2006) Neuropeptides in Aplysia: Key players for the neural regulation of physiological functions and behavior. In Invertebrate neuropeptides and hormones: Basic knowledge and recent advances, Satake H (Ed), pp37-73, Transworld Reseach Network, Kerala, India.
- Yokotani S, Matsushima A, Nose T, Morishita F, Shimohigashi Y (2005) Bioactive conformation of a D-Trp-containing cardioexcitatory tripeptide isolated from the sea hare Aplysia. In Peptide Science 2005, pp539-540, Shimohigashi Y (Ed), The Japanese Peptide Society, Osaka.
- Sasaki K, Morishita F, Furukawa Y (2004) Peptidergic innervation of the vasoconstrictor muscle of the abdominal aorta in Aplysia kurodai. J Exp Biol, 207:4439-4450
- Morishita F, Minakata H, Sasaki K, Tada K, Furukawa Y, Matsushima O, Mukai ST, Saleuddin ASM (2003) Distribution and function of an Aplysia cardioexcitatory peptide, NdWFamide, in pulmonate snails. Peptides, 24:1533-1544
- Morishita F, Nakanishi Y, Sasaki K, Kanemaru K, Furukawa Y, Matsushima O (2003) Distribution of the Aplysia cardioexcitatory peptide, NdWFamide, in the central and peripheral nervous systems of Aplysia. Cell Tissue Res, 312:95-111
- Morishita F, Matsushima O, Furukawa Y, Minakata H (2003) Deamidase inactivates a D-amino acid-containing Aplysia neuropeptide. Peptides, 24:45-51
- Morishita F, Nitagai Y, Matsushima O, Takahashi T, Hatta M, Fujisawa T, Tunamoto S, Koizumi O (2003) Identification of a vasopressin-like immunoreactive substance in hydra. Peptides, 24:17-26
- Furukawa Y, Nakamaru K, Sasaki K, Fujisawa Y, Minakata H, Ohta S, Morishita F, Matsushima O, Li L, Alexeeva V, Ellis TA, Dembrow NC, Jing J, Sweedler JV, Weiss KR, Vilim FS (2003) PRQFVamide, a novel pentaptptide identified from the CNS and Gut of Aplysia. J Neurophysiol, 89: 3114-3127